Post Bataan Running and Recovery

It’s been several weeks since Bataan. So I feel like I should be back to normal. Except, I’m not…

After Bataan, I took a full week off. I didn’t run, I didn’t workout, I did nothing but lay on the couch eating ice cream. Seriously.

After my week of heaven laziness, I headed out an easy, three miler with no real expectations or plans. It didn’t go well, and I only panicked a little that I had lost all the fitness I have ever had ever. I took some more time off running, and did at-home strength/cardio workouts instead.

Let’s be serious here, my body was in no way shape or form ready for Bataan, so it’s only natural it would need more time to recover. Right?

But, here I am, three weeks later, and my right hip still doesn’t feel right. I’m not sure how to describe it. It doesn’t hurt all the time. Actually, it doesn’t hurt at all. It just feels off. I guess I would describe it as a very vague ache that is deep enough I can’t palpate it.

At this point, running feels okay. I’m keeping it short and slow though. I’ve been working out with Matt, but I’ve stopped doing squats and burpees and things like that. I really hope my hip feels better soon because my poor arms can’t handle anymore push ups!

Walking the line between resting an injury and baby-ing a soreness is messing with my head. At what point, so I stop worrying about my damn hip and just resume activities like normal? Maybe I am prolonging the issue by making it an issue? So, really, this could all be in my head and I’m looking for excuses to be lazy.

What is your race recovery like? Do you take time off? How much? Do you think I’m making up this vague hip pain? I’m starting to think so….


3 thoughts on “Post Bataan Running and Recovery

  1. therfpscribe April 16, 2015 / 3:22 am

    I read about active recovery, and after trying it once I have been converted. If your hip really hurts see a doctor. In the meantime, don’t stop all physical activity. Much as you have earned the rest, the body benefits from movement at this point. Keep it low intensity but keep it consistent. Get better soon!


    • Julie April 16, 2015 / 10:05 am

      Good point! I probably would have benefitted from biking or some other crosstraining during that first week.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Army Amy April 19, 2015 / 3:17 pm

    ^ I’m intrigued by the active recovery thing. I’m going to have to do some googling!

    I really hope your hip starts to feel better! I know you don’t have much running planned in the near future, so that’s probably for the best. By the time you get settled at your new duty station, you’ll be good as new and ready to start training for that 10 miler!


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